- HTML of the pages can be changed and loaded.
- Automatic IP allocation: DHCP.
- Start time (ready for operation) 3 seconds.
- 8 - inputs or outputs - freely configurable with edge detection and toggle. (only IO Version)
- Automatic time setting from an SNTP server.
- Call via hostname = http://net-control or IP.
- Name/Position/Function with max. 35 characters.
- Free choice of the HTTP port (0-65535), thus several devices can be accessed from the Internet.
- 'HoldOn' Button: Relay or IO is activated as long as the key is held down. Two relays or IO's can thus be used for +/- control (e.g., dimmers).
- 30 timers relais/IO. Weekly timer, Sunrise/Sunset timer, One-Shot-Timer, If-Timer.
- Exceptions (day / month). On selected days, all timers are skipped.
- E-Mail function.
- Backup system.
- Keepalive function: A network device can be pinged and - should it not respond - be disconnected
from the power supply for an adjustable time.
- Automatic and time-delayed (0-18.2h) switching on of the sockets after the start (power failure).
- Switching can also be performed as pulse (0-65535 sec.).
- Switching distance of the relays with simultaneous switching can be determined ((0-255) milliseconds).
- Wake on LAN
- Sockets can be locked individually.
- User system with rights.
- Logbook of the last 128 events. Power failures are registered
(remains without voltage).
- UDP, URL & Batch interface for integration into own software.
- Multi NET-PwrCtrl Controls all devices on the network (also as C# source code).
- Firmware upgrade via Ethernet possible at any time (Ethernet Bootloader).
- Sturdy aluminum housing, child safety in the sockets (Schuko, UK), cable duct.